23 Aug Adi Cohen Zedek, an artistic adventure photographer
Who is behind ACZART? Who is Adi Cohen?
My first name is Adi my last name Cohen Zedek, and it gives you the ACZ and then you have the ART and it gives you the ACZART.COM; but basically the name of my business is Adi Cohen Zedek Photographer.
How could you define your photographs style?
I would definitely define my style as Photojournalistic style…when a bride having her make up done I don’t really care about it though I do shoot it… but I will look for the faces of her parents or sisters or what ever…I’m doing this job for almost 16 years and the best compliments that I can get is that a couple that I had 10 years ago will see me and tell me that every time they open my books they understand something else.
From time to time there are things that are more relevant but for me the family is the most important thing at the event, there are things that will never happen again and that’s exactly what I’m looking for.
What are the best moments you like to photograph? You have been recently in Maldives in shooting in a Wedding, How was it?
As I told before…I really love to tell the story of all the family that is around the couple…it’s a great moment not just for the bride and the groom, but also for all the family. I’m not the kind of photographer that will present the outdoors or ceremony pictures on the website…when you are visiting my website you will actually going to feel the event.
Maldives was definitely one of my biggest adventures in my career as a photographer…and it is like everybody said…HEAVEN.
Which material do you usually use in your sessions?
I use canon 5d mark3 and I hold almost the entire prime lenses that canon has.
As a working tool, how would you evaluate the TEYA PROJECT harness?
When something comes and makes your work easier and much more comfortable your results are immediately getting better…that’s what I think about the harness.
You can follow Adi’s work on his website, Facebook and instagram.
And here we leave you with a preview of the wedding recorded by a drone in Maldives, thanks Adi for the great video!!
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